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Mérida, Yucatán
Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
This really big thing happened and then...

"A Very Dark Ride in the Proximity of the House of Mirrors" is a scary/horror PC Virtual Reality (PCVR) adventure-journey played through the eyes of Eve, a little 5 year old girl with quite the dark imagination. Her unfortunate circumstances make her the ideal candidate for the rotten antics THE.Y and the Doctor are up to. She’s a constant prisoner in that minuscule period of time between the end of her dreams and nightmares, and that first step into her next uncomfortable reality when all is forgotten. Experience a dreamy derealization, featuring humorously hazy hallucinations, scarily strange stories, and nightmarish nocturnal nonsense!

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They started it!

An artist and a poet that is. An organic exchange of art. She the visual and he the literature. And not one thing to do with a game.

Original Project: "House of Mirrors"

Illustrated By: Viviana Hinojosa

Written By: James Knight

From the House of Mirrors project:

"What follows is a work-in-progress, my collaboration with artist Viviana Hinojosa. ...Viviana started the process by creating a picture, which I then interpreted freely in the form of a prose poem. My piece then became the springboard for Viviana’s next picture, and so on. Who knows where this will end?

We are calling the project House of Mirrors, to suggest the distorted reflections of text and image and the viewer-reader’s disorientating journey through an imaginary space in which she may, from time to time, recognise herself.

~James Knight, poet, artist and performer

And I took it just a few steps farther

In short, I wanted to experience their strange little world so I created it. In vibrantly vivid VR vision. Don't worry, I'll share so you can also fade in and out of different realities. Now sit down, click on the above links and inhale art. Keep your hands and legs inside the car at all times.


Unlimited Imagination

You're just a helpless child that's lost, can barely read and has no money. The only possible people that could help you are hunting you and you have few defenses other than a wooden sword, a very large bird with anger issues, and a canon that requires well chewed bubble gum.

Fortunately these are only nightmares encouraged by synthetically subdued synapses.

Unfortunately your reality is much worse, guided by the hands of someone seriously sinister.

Detach your sense of reality and dive into strange scenarios while exploring, staying out of trouble, solving puzzles, playing games and engaging in testy encounters with the locals all while running your fastest and screaming your loudest as you realize you can’t possibly win.

The nightmares just won't stop

Series 1 is only the beginning! We’re always dreaming up new levels so we’ll be releasing them as fast as we can cook them, the plan is to release a new episode approximately every month or 10 episodes each year. Each Season will be priced individually. Such an extraordinary entertainment bargain!

Series 1 (coming soon!): “A Very Dark Ride in the Proximity of the House of Mirrors” (10 episodes)

Series 2: "A Very Dark Ride on the Islands Near the House of Mirrors" (25 episodes)

Series 3: "A Very Dark Ride Through the Darkness in the House of Mirrors" (13 episodes)


Single Player Action: sink into the atmosphere of each level with no pesky interruptions from friends or family. Let them get their own. (Playing alone on a stormy night is recommended)

Stay stealthy: Be careful and be quiet; THE.Y can hear you walking and talking! Sneaking and hiding in the shadows to avoid everyone and everything seems like a good idea sometimes, but other times…

...CHARGE! Wield your mighty sword against the legions of dummies, skeletons, snakes and spiders, loping off heads and limbs as you plunder, pillage, loot, maim and mutilate while wielding your trusty scrap wood sword.

Total immersion: No menus, no lasers, no distractions from these nightmares! Everything in VR. There’s no HUD or 2D UI to get in the way of a good view. Your health is displayed by how dirty your clothes are. No maps to guide you as a compass to your next goal will do the job. Don’t be careless and leave it somewhere. And there’s a backpack for inventory that you need to fiddle through to find things. Again, don’t be careless and leave it somewhere. Don’t forget your KEYS! Are you listening to me?

Where’s the exit? Wander about as you like but be aware that other creatures want you to wander about as you like. There’s no yellow paint in nightmares. THE.Y will be waiting for you no matter where you go.

Getting around is easy For your transportation needs we have arranged for trams, trains, row boats and ships, and a most unusual taxi service. Don’t forget to feed the fish.

Reoccurring nightmares: (Replayability) Each time another episode is released the previous locations/levels in the Series are ooched a bit. You’ll swear you’ve been there and done that so why can’t you now?

Player progression Things will get better for you. As the story progress so does Eve! Stronger, faster, and you’ll eventually realize that you just shouldn’t go into the forest.

Don't make me come back there

At the moment I'm working on the trailers since apparently I do not have trailers at this time. They will be posted here in the future. We'll be updating often, along with those trailers. Promise.

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